
Game Genre TBT RPG

Gears tactics Turn based games are underrated IMO, they are awesome when the kids want something, when you are on public transport, etc…. mobile should have been the perfect platform for it, but it se


Starling The Open-source framework, built with the intention to replace Flash.


Deepfake Now more than ever, what you see/hear online must be taken with extreme caution! Deepfakes are here, and unfortunately, might not be used to do good in this world of ours.


Mathematics <! – more –> Straight Line (value - min)/(max-min) LearningYouTube ChannelsMathologer

Unity Camera

Unity - Camera How To:Align Camera with Scene View: How to Position Cameras - Unity Tips Orthographic CameraUnderstanding Orthographic Size in Unityhttps://pressstart.vip/tutorials/2018/06/14/37/under