Tag: Apple

Apple Notes

Appleā€™s builtin note taking app. This is my central source of note taking, for the pure reason that it syncs perfectly between my iMac, macbookPro and iPhone. I normally capture notes on the go in Apple Notes, and later create a Google Doc, which eventually becomes a post on our Knowledge Base.

XCode Game Development

XCode Game Development Create new Project Single View App Template UI Design is done in *.storyboard Referenceshttps://www.raywenderlich.com/5993-your-first-ios-app/lessons/3 iOS Swift 4 Tutorial: Cre


https://forums.developer.apple.com/thread/36849 AdColonyhttps://github.com/AdColony/AdColony-Unity-SDK/wiki/Unity-and-Xcode-Project-Setup XCode issuesappstoredelacte.mm arc forbidsgo to plugin file in