

A Schema in Databases, is like a blueprint, it defines how the data is organized and also handles the validation.


NoSQL NoSQL means Not-only SQL, and not NO-SQL. Normally referring to a JSON based database, also known as Document based Database.

Pirate Metrics

Pirate Metrics Pirate Metrics is a framework for growing your business based on AAARRR. Awareness, Acquisition, Activation, Retention, Referral and Revenue <! – more –> Much like the marketing

Website Performance

https://web.dev/serve-images-with-correct-dimensions/ https://googlechrome.github.io/lighthouse/scorecalc/#FCP=3285&SI=6587&LCP=8000&TTI=15018&TBT=1679&CLS=0.01&FMP=3285&

Module Bundlers

Module Bundlers WebpackRollupParcelSnowpackReferenceModule Bundlers Explained… Webpack, Rollup, Parcel, and Snowpack