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Firebase Slack

https://medium.com/evenbit/building-a-slack-app-with-firebase-as-a-backend-151c1c98641d https://support.google.com/firebase/answer/9005934?hl=en https://hackernoon.com/firebase-cloud-functions-slack

Unity Editor Play Audio in Edit Mode

Referenceshttps://github.com/MattRix/UnityDecompiled/blob/cc432a3de42b53920d5d5dae85968ff993f4ec0e/UnityEditor/UnityEditor/AudioUtil.cs https://forum.unity.com/threads/audio-track-preview-in-timelin

Unity Editor Scene Hooks

Problem: Automatically update the version of a scene based on the current datetime saved. Referenceshttps://answers.unity.com/questions/175931/perform-action-on-saveload-in-editor.html https://docs.

Eisenhower Method

The Eisenhower Method, also known as Eisenhower’s matrix, is a prioritization tool that helps you categorize tasks into 4 quadrants based on their urgency and importance. It helps prioritize time, tasks and decision making.

Unity Software Architecture and Design Patterns

Ever had that feeling of, fckit, let’s just start over! Over the years, I have ran into this problem so many times, on our own project and client projects. Projects get messy and you might as well start over instead of trying to fix it. The Monolithic Project problem quickly reveals it’s self, especially if more people come onto the project, with no coding standards, etc… in place.

Virtual Reality

Google Cardboard SDKhttps://developers.google.com/vr/unity/download Oculushttps://developer3.oculus.com/downloads/game-engines/1.10.0/Oculus_Utilities_for_Unity_5/ Sample VR Assetshttps://www.assets


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